Here is the non-political axis version 3.0. Changes include:
- Preferred rights are grouped as they typically are by left/right in Hegelian Dialectics.
- Areas of likely waste are greyed out toward anarchy. (sources include commons tragedy, foreign states, natural disaster) Waste (top) and corruption (bottom) are often conflated in political debate.
- Capitalism’s center is now marked for illustrative purposes. It is always between liberty and metrics, and freedom and investment. If it’s somewhere else, it’s something else.
I’ve included simplified chart with some data from the USA in the year 1800. It illustrates what can and can’t change over time with these charts. Notice
- Capitalism’s center has moved.
- All but one right has been shifted.
- Left and right have been removed since this was a concept with later origins.
Some other observations comparing the two.
- In both cases justice ends up adjacent to friendship. They both share the function of curating the conscience of others, but mainly differ in intensity and scope.
- In both cases freedom and investment are adjacent. This is interesting because they intersect at capitalism. Will explore what happens if they become oppositional.
- Justice, currency and property are easier to define (perhaps not completely) than other rights. Perhaps that’s why they assume the role of oppositional identity?
Update: 2021-03-14: Updated both graphs to version 3.2. Classic MacGuffin and clearer URL added.