Category Archives: ENTERTAINMENT

Mental exercise, and psychopaths/empaths in entertainment.

This water is hot, I’m jumping out of the pot.




I have just spent six months on Facebook.  It has been painful, but I’m stubborn.  Now I understand why it makes people fight. It’s simple.  You are shown ‘friends’ ‘likes’ against your will.  Problem is. Sometimes I ‘like’ posts I disagree with.  Encouragement and giving space to grow are attributes of actual (not simulated) friendship.  Facebook’s ‘Share’ is pointless.  Further you can’t respect or even note another’s point of interest without endorsing it to random friends who in turn may be hurt.

To less of a degree the same derisive formula applies to comments in your stream.  This is better because at least the words are the authors, but the framework of those comments is broken into tiny chunks at best.  Both a bibliographic and emotionally contextual nightmare of distortion.

How does this relate to Civgene?  Social nuance is destroyed.  It turns people’s empathy against them.  Making them regret kindnesses, curiosity and sharing their feelings.  That is prejudice inspiring insanity and I don’t respect or endorse it.  By detaching sincerity from each individuals context, growth is damaged, then retarded, then reversed.

If you understand both software and marketing you’d understand how deliberate this must be. Other social media only shares ‘shared’ media by default.  Further it is trivial for software authors add a checkbox to block others ‘likes’ or comments from your feed.  There used to be such a feature on Facebook and it was removed.  Requests to reinstate it were ignored.  The result?  Facebook is dividing people and making them fight, and they must be doing it intentionally.  I think this level of incompetence is impossible.

If for some reason your extended family or a group of trusted friends is expecting you to participate in facebook I recommend spending some time studying narcissistic psychopaths.  Once the conscience is masked by facebooks technology, they lose access to subtlety of emotional expression. At first this impacts facebook relationships, reducing legitimate friendships to the lowest common denominator.  The subconscious mind is like a muscle so eventually it will atrophy.  Animal work alikes for human conscionable behaviours begin.  Essentially persistant visitors will become more psychopathic.  For sure more so than you would be on the level stable ground of consistent emotional context.

The good news is your conscience isn’t optional.  You have one or you don’t.  Since it is antifragile exercising it on other platforms should help you to spring back from being psychopathic. Abit in a 2d, low bandwidth text format saved from constant unintentional inference by emoticons and memes.  Anything based in text is still a narrow pipe.  Emote often.

From now on I’ll be treating Facebook how it treats others, a resource to be cultivated.  A contacts library of allies.  I have a group to tend to, and I’ll check for private messages from my contacts.  Folks who know me understand this is not just some anecdote.  One day I would be proud to play a role in replacing that pile of junk with something to free the people trapped there.  It’s destructive, and it makes me a little angry.

Here is how I will be handling it. Limited contact.  A familiar phrase to anyone who has coped with psychopaths.  Here is what meatspace friends should expect from my facebook facade.

  • I treat all received emotion on Facebook like drunken babble
  • I will only post material sourced from external sites.
  • I will be posting primarily as a promotional tool.
  • Don’t expect any interaction from me.  I reject their blinders to emotional nuance.
  • Assume I will read nothing there.  I may look at, like or share something against my better judgement.  It’s random and means nothing to our relationship. Very possibly a calculated marketing action.
  • Any ‘friends’ I have may not be someone I know or actually trust.
  • I will now have ‘friends’ unknown to me.  This poses technical risks, as friends of friends have privileges.  They could be robots, super villains, law enforcement, wants stage psychopaths(aka:ASPD the ones that end up in jail for attempted murder), whatever.
  • Please unfriend me if you don’t want all your candour public.  You have a day.  I won’t be offended.  Facebook owns the worst use of the word ‘friend’ ever.
  • Check my links for other social media to interact.  I’ll keep it up to date.
  • ‘Message’ me your private contact info (email, etc) if you think I don’t have it and want me to.
  • Even if they did fix this, their intentions are suspect.  This can’t be idiocy.  It is very doubtful I would revert relaxation and revelry.

I recommend everyone treat facebook this way for their well being.  Please feel free to use this article to let your friends know, how and why you are treating facebook differently.  That you appreciate them more than facebook will let you.  That you will interact with them somewhere else, but not there.

I look forward to spending time with all my friends back in the real world.

Primer on propaganda


“Propaganda is like rain…knowing it’s wet does not keep you dry if you’re exposed to the weather.”  — taopraxis

If you master spotting propaganda can you stand in the face of it?  It seems to me the answer is ‘a brief while.’    Like the beginning of a rain storm, understanding wet cold drops on your skin is not useful if you don’t take cover.  Soon you’ll be soaked and shivering.

Chris Martinson has won this year’s subconscious Olympics.  Not only for feeling the early drops, but warning other people to take cover.  Please read his excellent primer on propaganda and how it works.

And once you’ve identified a media outlet as untrustworthy, please come in out of the rain.

What civgene isn’t – subjective morality


Civgene is never an attempt to alter objective morality.  Instead it is meant to observe, contrast, and consider the implications that objective morality is biologically less compelling, and therefore less relevant, for psychopaths.

In the ideal case (where civgene’s theories and predictions are perfectly true), it would travel no further than explaining objective morality’s origin.  IMO such is true for all science.

Intro to marketing and thoughts on Trotter


Marketing uses logical conscious decision making (available to both empaths and psychopaths) to override the subconscious risk analysis machine (the metamind.)

One correction.  While Bernays and Freud believed him, this idea of humanity as a crazy herd was actually Dr. Totter. His ideas were not just used by the capitalist marketers as the example above, but simultaneously by the communists as well. So while marketing must obviously have some true premise, the cornerstone of it’s blanket justification have been used by the full spectrum of left and right to justify the destruction of the other.

Communists justified manipulation of ‘the herd’ to destroy capitalism, and capitalists justified manipulating ‘the herd’ to destroy communism.  Trotter outright fails the test for legitimate principle since it is wholly dualistic.  The dark side of Darwin, our new (new to Trotter and his well heeled followers) status as animals can mean anything, at any time, to anyone.  ‘Instincts of the herd in war and peace’ can be used to justify any action by either side in a conflict with diametrically opposed sides, so it must not justify anything at all.



I have a full size van.  I consistently have the largest car in the parking lot.  Some would say this implies I have a small penis.  It is usually filled with my family since I don’t drive it empty, have fun with that one too.

But when I drive to work I typically take my motorcycle which is one of the smallest cars on the road, does that mean I have a large penis?  But it’s one of the largest motorcycles on the road, dwarfing mopeds and the occasional sub compact car.  Does that mean I have a medium penis?

The reason I typically choose the largest vehicle in it’s class is because I took physics in college, where a professor who helped design the moon lander explained in great detail why a shorter distance of deceleration in a crash results in more Gs, and more Gs result in more deaths.  Big cars and truck deform and crush into scrap for a longer distance within the car.

Does this mean physics professors or engineers have small penises?   More interestingly does this mean that people with small penises are attracted together in some sort of natural nerd herd?  Does group learning make the penis smaller?  I founded and run a computer group which is definitely a nerd herd, does that mean I have the smallest penis?

I own two guns, and it is said that people with guns are compensating for a small penis.  But I only got them a few years ago, does that mean my penis recently got smaller?  If my penis will change it’s size depending on what I own or use does that mean it will grow again if I discard them?   If I take Viagra will my guns shrink?  And my cars?  Perhaps it is that I rarely use the guns or the van.  The more often I use them the smaller my penis will get?  If so what does that imply for police who are typically required to carry guns all the time?  Perhaps they don’t use them?  This seems to make sense with American sexual activity after the war.  Men discarded their guns and reunited with their wives, and made an entire baby boom.  But many of those vets armed themselves with civilian guns when they returned.  Perhaps some sort of birth control?  Further this would imply that counties with population problems like China and India should arm their populations to shrink their men’s penises and have less children.

Where did this idea come from?   Where else, but from psychology and Sigmund Freud.  His idea of a phallic symbol or a symbol for the penis in penis shaped everyday items implied a sense of inadequacy.  But this was originally termed ‘penis envy’ and meant to describe women, who were subconsciously angry they were not men.  This sounds very different from the item to penis size ratio.  What did Freud actually say about this?  “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.”   He was very famous for the analogy that a cigar could be a big brown penis for some people (specifically women), at a time when cigars were very popular.  It was considered socially unsightly and abhorrent for women to smoke at the time, much less a large fragrant cigar.  But he himself smoked cigars.  If penis envy was intended for analysis of men, why did Freud himself smoke them?

Laughing at the sexual inadequacy of men with big equipment?  Perhaps you should read about projection.

Civgene, why now?


Why me?

I’ve been asking myself this question since about since the civgene first dawned on me in about 2011 or so.  Most ‘leaders’ are simply in the right place at the right time.  The person will need certain skills, but they always need to be ‘lucky’ in the timing of their role.  I am no exception.  The closer I look the more I realize that everything was set up just right, and I very nearly just had to be present.  The moment of inception the tiniest breeze.  Had things been even slightly less well timed I would have noticed, and contributed, nothing.  I am merely the envoy between civilization, and it’s readiness for a new idea.

I have an associates degree in computer science.   My mother had a masters degree.  My wife has two!  I know I am capable of furthering my education, but never elected to.  With some irony, this may have been the key to having all the pieces I needed to discover something new in science.  A good monthly salary was my goal, when I recognized the need for intelligence and natural skill in system administration.  I was about to begin my bachelors degree, when the dot com bubble swept me into a professional role.

Making myself into a Linux specialist, suited the needs in three separate scientific research institutions.  This along with my non-profit Linux work gave me a broad base in both diverse computing environments and the social wonders of open source.  My wife studied psychology.  My mother studied and eventually taught business and economics after obtaining her MBA.  I was exposed to disciplines that would rarely or never be placed together in a college environment.  I am ‘passionately curious’ but in the past this manifested as an interest in viewing, reading and writing science fiction, not pushing the boundaries of hard science

Ultimately it was some rough events in my personal life that drove me to look deeper into psychopaths.  I wanted to find an angle to protect myself and others.  Hare estimates that 1-5% of population are psychopaths.  This is not small and made this the most likely part of my unlikely journey.  It was inevitable that I would have a hard run in with a psychopath.  That is everyone’s reality.

I’ve long since struggled with the huge leaps that economics takes to explain civilization, or money.  For years I was at a loss to explain why anyone would anyone would help Linux for free.  I’ve struggled to understand why artificial intelligence was so icy cold.  How people can trust each other in the face of thousands or even tens of thousands of risks a day, seemingly unaware, and survive.  In my desperation it all gelled together.

The civilization gene is obvious in hindsight.  Once I knew roughly how psychopaths acted what was missing jumped out.  My logical training made me look in both directions, spotting the absence of behavior, the negative instead of the positive.  As if debugging a program.  I had a rough idea that game theory failed in the real world from my own disappointment with AI, and from science studies.  It connected to my cynicism about the foolish trust people but not animals seemed to display.  Without every piece of my background I could not have connected the clues.  The lynchpin was real world tuning of computers. Unassuming, unforgiving computers.

I would watch PBS as a child.  For decades shows like ‘Nature’ were the best entertainment on the television.  Years of programming just discussing, filming and studying animal behaviour.  Monkeys, primates, any of them.  They move around.  No animal with legs or wings longer than a centimeter stays put.  They can have territories, but not properties.  Only mankind, and only at the beginning of civilization, had such a distinction.  That’s a big change.  It doesn’t just happen for no reason.

Psychopaths are cavemen.  Currency and investment, the cornerstones of civilization, are just huge bags of trust.  Something you can’t have without empathy.  The realization flashed into existence.  The solution to the chicken and the egg problem of economics.  Who trusted first and why.  It wasn’t a choice.  Empathy, at least at the scale only humans display, is a mutation.  The very last one most of us shared.  Everything after, as they say, is history.

Why now?

This is an easier question.  The easy answer is one acronym.  MRI.  And all the technologies that led up to it.  Dr. Robert Hare demonstrated a clear pattern of different brain activity between a psychopath and empath.  That would not have been possible without the MRI.

The same scans that helped me to recognize, combined with civgene, how the conscience actually works.  Body part and body function archetype thoughts light up the brain.  I recognized the signature for the empath from computing.  A computer database thrashing a computers hard drive on a wildcard search.   The physical structure wasn’t important, but what it was doing.  Accessing every memory at once.  All connected.  A passively driven database connected by emotion.  A metamind.

I’d also say the Internet.  It is both responsible for a growing breadth of knowlage, dissemination of it, and for open source and Linux themselves.  I can’t deny the impact of watching a hobby grow into the most important operating system in the world without a single line of code written under threat of hard power.  Massive cooperation, investment, and economy of scale without any psychopathic behaviour driving it.  Open source is what science aspires to be.  Pragmatic but testable and repeatable.  Open both to innovation and scrutiny by anyone.  Perhaps someone else could have put it together without the society behind open source, but I could not.

I wanted to write this so that people can understand how it is possible that I without a grant, a PHD, or even more than a passing interest until a few years ago could be the one to discover something so fundamentally important to humanity, it’s origin.  Why not someone who is smarter, or more schooled?   This is the right time.  Had I not found it someone else would have.  The MRI and the Internet and open source were all in place by about the mid 1990s.  A whole sixteen years passed before I finally pieced it together.  The background was there, but I was missing something.  The study of psychopathy.   A few well written books and civgene snapped into place.

Thanks to Dr Whitney Winter for suggesting I write this.