Category Archives: Distribution Party

A political platform to promote legal distribution.

Civgene can provide objective morality



Video explaining how you can derive objective morality from civgene.

You can use behaviours unique to empaths to derive objective morality from science itself.  Non-psychopathic behaviours are like atoms which in turn can be used to build rights, much like molecules.

More to come.

Edit 3/25:  Updated video.  Clearer and more concise edits with clips.

Economics of complexity


“The chief cause of problems is solutions.”  –Eric Svareid
(shamelessly stolen)

The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.” –Sun Tzu

Looking at the world through a caloric lens, complexity increases economic cost.  To further explore this please see this talk by Dr. Joseph Tainter.  Please keep the volume control handy as there are audio anomalies.  It is long but well worth your time.

This is important because it deals with what collapse looks like.  Rome didn’t collapse as some sort of surprise or in a vacuum.  It suffered from growing and unsustainable complexity.  Civgene can provide the ‘why’ for this problem.  Why did complexity occur?  The most obvious answer is corruption.  Why does corruption continuously increase?  Civgene indicates increasing proportions of psychopaths.  Rent seeking correlates to a genetic pool that grows over the life of a civilization and then collapses once that civilization dies.

As corruption increases complexity, economy of scale multipliers provide diminishing returns.  Further as rent seeker revenues fall, they add complexity simply for the sole purpose of seeking additional loopholes to graft from.  The only mechanism for ending corruption created by adding complexity is adding yet more complexity in the form of additional laws.

If you are familiar with legal distribution you can see where this is going.  There needs to be a way to reduce this complexity to spare limited resources.  No historical law making process can provide this.  The video lays out the need for a new kind of legal mechanism, to cope with the real problem behind complexity.

A growing pool of rent seekers grafted onto the core of the system.  The law making rent seekers find marginal problems to combat in public, while their real goal is to seek new revenue from the hidden effects and loopholes of the new law.   Instead we should reduce complexity by distributing laws.  This should create competition for programs that have grown pointlessly bloated solving small scale locally addressable problems.  Naturally reducing the jurisdiction of laws should be under a populist control, since the vast majority of the population are still good economic actors, with the desire to protect the system from the graft at the center in a selfless way.  So while overall “the process of increasing complexity is inexorable”, we don’t need to make things more complex than necessary for the time.

Dr. Tainter calls political ideology a faith. He is correct!  All politics are based at least in part on faith, because testing political theories on humans is impossible (without an epic immoral cost).  Faiths are critical to reason and therefore civilization, but without recognition of the risks of cult that faith brings, they are simply a collar to click a leash onto.

He does equate logic to ethics saying “Everything the Roman emperors did was a logical response to circumstances.”  While explicitly true this is not complete.  This again proves logic is NOT a panacea.  Sociopath stage psychopaths are perfectly logical, to their own needs.  Markets need to be protected to provide good data to build sound logic on.  Reason (the logical mind + the metamind) is available reliably only from the public, away from the center of power.  The public and their subconscious risk management are needed to keep destructive needless complexity from harming those markets.  Logic and subsequently reason can’t accomplish good law without good data.  Unchecked, complexity and graft slowly smothers true cost.

Change robber barrons into robin hood


How do we stop psychopaths in government?  If we ‘kick their ass’ aka: kill them, it won’t solve the real problem and law will be subverted to societal destruction again.  The problem is humans are two behavioral sets, and one of the sets seeks power strictly as an end to itself. This is true if it’s behavioral or genetic(civgene).

We need the power of popular citizen veto.  The right to fork is basic human right.  Why?  Psychopaths will take over ANY system we make because making mistakes, even for the smartest or the wisest, is a required part of learning.  That’s how the conscience works.  No conscience, no concept of risk, half your decision making power is in the toilet.  Those mistakes feed critical data into subconscious risk calculator.  Yes a wise person will keep their error impact small, but they still must make them.  To err is human, ergo, forgiveness is divine.

The problem with the Austerity/Tea Party solution is the Big Bird(PBS) problem.  Not all government spending is negative or useless.  Even moments before inevitable economic collapse some new laws still reflect use to the society.  This solution (sometimes) can throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Instead we must reduce the jurisdiction of a law solving the real problem, politicians grabbing power and money for themselves and not sharing   aka:unchecked federalization.  Psychopaths are adult children, it’s just like taking the toy from jealous children and saying, ‘now I’m going to keep it.’  Likely you don’t want their toy, but now they’ll think REAL hard before not sharing.

This is the essence of legal distribution.  The power of popular citizen veto over power politics.  If the corrupt abuse their seats to rob the treasury, at least they have to share.

If a law is sane at the largest jurisdiction, it will still be sane at the next smallest (or the next).  It lets people closer to a problem separate the wheat from the chaff.  Yes you will loose some economy of scale at a smaller jurisdiction, but you will also loose all the corruption in the author’s secret ill intent.  That is a choice the citizen of a republic has a right to weigh themselves.  The power of the purse strings is gone.  Watch the power hungry hem and haw and try to beat the common sense out of your brain on this.   National security, they’ll cry.  Tyranny of democracy they’ll scream.   No.  The law will be just as unsafe and unjust as it was when they controlled it directly, but now you know who they are.

Time to let the social ‘marketplace’ of the states or cities shine some sunlight on the dark favoritism of shady republic law.

Did Aristotle predict the metamind?


Aristotle seems to have predicted the functional aspect of the metamind with his ethical system centered around the golden mean.  The golden mean is used in many ethical frameworks but generally works the same in all of them.  It’s the tendency of moral agents to have a moderate response.

The golden mean is really just an averaging system.  Pulling from the whole of your personal context and experience and choosing a path in the center not the extremes of deficiency or excess.  The very process of describing a mean is a likelihood based on context.  Or in other words a probability.  The metamind (or conscience) is actually a probability engine for discerning the expected value based on the compound (mandatory) emotional state felt when the rational side of a dilemma is considered.  The main attribute that is missing is in the time attribute limit or the ability to expand or shrink the scope of emotional context by duration.  This seems to indicate psychopathy’s most visible symptom, the inability to group risk by time.  Long term risk management suffering the most, as decisions all seem to benefit now at the expense of later.

This is where his system starts to fall apart.  Aristotle did have the concept of mentally ill or deficient, but worked on the principle that it was curable.  He does not consider that there may be two separate high functioning sets of behaviour displayed by superficially identical human beings.  The first processing the ability to discern the mean(risk) in a flash of insight, and the second that each moral choice was a major struggle.  This resulted in the real world failures of modern day moral relativism.  Where in the worst case the mean is reached only after the abhorrent behaviour is normalized and the scope is tweaked to provide the desired results by an outside influence.  Such as proto-psychopaths, non psychopaths who have been influenced over time to negate their ability to perform moral calculations.  The conscience is there, but captured and temporarily but actively neutralized by outside forces.

Interestingly he discusses a political philosophy very similar to Civgene’s own Distribution Party.   The politics of distribution of equity might be mistaken for a precursor to communism at a glance, but clearly were meant to be taken in the context of struggle of each conscionable human has to accumulate what he would call virtues.  He calls for monetary equality, but it should be taken as above as opportunity to pursue happiness via virtues or to become virtuous.  Complaining about the monetary motivation of oligarchy, it is as if he commenting on the inverse totalitarianism of today.  Taking control of federal equity from the corporations, who are incapable of virtue, and returning them to states or lower, at least who’s components, the citizens, are capable of ongoing, time scope sensible, risk assessment or as he would say, the pursuit of virtue or happiness.  He might list in it’s positive aspects, the abilities of equipped happiness perusing citizens in generating sensible natural law for practical, long term, context sensitive equity distribution.

This is just scratching the surface of his work and it’s similar insights.  His influence is vast and works many.  Many others have expounded and further developed these ideas since his time.  But it seems to be he was the very first to identify just how what we typically call the conscience works.  Bouncing between psychology (generating rational copies of both individuals and society’s emotional maps) and the structure by which such maps are generated, meta-psychology.

What is the Distribution Party?



Today is election day in the United States.  What better time to discuss a new, populist, party.  Please pass this around today and tomorrow, the fifth of November.

I originally brought up the idea of a new political party in my Type One Civilization paper.  It is a solution to avoiding empowering psychopaths, without having a specific gene to screen for.  It can be argued that both global and United States civilization is so corrupt and distorted that it is beyond saving.  I disagree.  Sun Tzu points out that an organized retreat is the hardest military action.  While this is true, it is not conclusive.  You can change the game by agreeing to surrender, ending the two way violent conflict, obsoleting retreat.  This is what most empaths have resigned themselves to.   It is not necessary.  There is another way.  You can declare victory.

The core idea of the civilization gene is that psychopaths are the predecessor to modern man.  How did I conclude this?  Several ways, but the most compelling is the simplest to understand.  Psychopath behaviour is a subset of all human behaviour.  In other words they possess no qualities that every other normal human does not display.  Our conscience blocks us from displaying them more often, but they are present.  Why does simply knowing this make us victorious?  Because we are a superset of psychopathic behavior, and since each of us are best suited to adjust our own conscience to suit ones self, YOU are the most important impediment to having all of the psychopaths strengths, and none of their weaknesses.  Compared with them, you are a super human.  With such powers, how can you loose?

What has changed is that we now know who psychopaths are, and by inference, who we are.  The MRI, the Hare, and the failure of pure logic (ex:game theory) has revealed psychopaths to the interested empath.  This is new information.  This is very much the sister of the revelation of intricacies of the empath’s conscience to the Bernays, Gobbles and the like.  Marketing and propaganda, subsequently.  There are multiple actionable courses we can take to slip out of the yolks of propaganda and corruption of the hierarchies we ironically approved to free ourselves from the very reigns of psychopaths that now control them.

The Distribution Party is but one of many such paths.  Such as above, no hierarchy is needed to create the party.  This is critical as hierarchy can be used to distort the original intent.  It’s philosophy is simple and easy to verify.  A concateny of competing websites can easily list which politicians have some or any track record distributing law to smaller jurisdictions.  Distribution while simple is unlikely to be confused with any other kind of bill or law.   As it is so simple to identify it in action, it will fade in popularity when laws are sufficiently local that citizens can personally identify and attend to corruption.  Conversely, outbreaks of corruption will indicate further distribution is needed.

The idea is simple.  Corruption takes root where it is furthest from view.  The more distance a political leader has from their constituents, the more golden opportunities form to abuse their power.  If a psychopath happens to hold the office, they simply can not resist taking a golden opportunity.  Such is the strict purview of a conscience.  The traditional approach to solve this is to call for the revocation of the law, yet laws are never revoked.  Instead a fruitless argument persists over the balance of money and power until a yet larger crisis occurs, and it is forgotten and nothing is fixed.  Instead of arguing over who looses what, a distribution law can be passed.  Keep funding and legal language exactly the same, but split it into equal pieces (based exactly on the original funding methodology) for each state.  This can also be applied to lower level of government as well.  State to county.  County to Township.  Township to village.  The law and it’s funding are distributed until the corruption ceases.  You have now found the smallest safe scope for that law, and it’s funding, to be free of corruption.  Maximizing the largest possible, but not larger than possible, waste free economy of scale.

To be clear these laws may change or be completely eradicated by the smaller jurisdiction, but the funding will remain intact.  It will be as if the local (state,county,etc) legislature passed the law themselves.   Likewise they can nullify it with new law.  This can happen in the case of redundancy, waste, inefficiency, of simply a different point of view as to what the law should say.

Local jurisdictions may change the law.  If a laws original signing body become distressed as to the practice vs intent of a distributed law, they can simply revoke the original law or the distribution and it’s accompanying funding, but they will have to do so for all jurisdictions.  If they try to revoke just a convenient part of the distributed law, they face the same stalemate and bickering they always do.  Good legal distributions will include language prohibiting selective or partial favoritist revocation, but it is not necessary to maintain balance.

Distributed law is the necessary way to tackle psychopathic culture.  One where accumulation of power is an end on to itself.  It is an organized retreat from centralization gone one step too far, as evidenced by overt corruption or poor legal or economic performance indicating graft and waste.  Legal distribution can suit the ends of liberals and conservatives, statists and anarchists alike.  Conserving tax resources through efficiency, and preserving social programs through distribution.  Making government more successful.  Bringing it under direct influence and improving accountability.

No one should own this idea, but all should support it.  Please tell people you are part of the Distribution Party, tell others to say the same, and enjoy your victory.  It was always in the mind.

The Distribution Party endorses – Open Source


Open source may well be the most important invention of modern times.  It’s supporting invention is the Internet.  It replaces distribution hierarchies which have been installed throughout history to piggyback graft and systems of corruption onto the practical logistics of organization.  History will not be kind to it’s many opponents.

Open Source is social structure, supported by a legal structure and a near real time technical organizational system.  The social structure creates the fast technical organizational system using computer code, and uses the Internet to share is at near real time speeds.  The social structure requires near perfect adherence to core scientific principles.  Core principles being, ubiquitous opportunity peer review, experimental repeatability, and a working copy of the reference model and it’s complete plans.  It uses contracts and their supporting legal structure to prevent corruption.

Open source has been mistaken for a business model but it’s actually a social governance model, a utilitarian technocracy for the scientific method.  It uses competition and a legal restrictions on potentially arbitrary use restrictions.  In this it keeps the rules equally lax for all participants in the competition, a cooperative behaviour.  This lack of use restrictions allows for fluid and voluntary participation with any society, or the ability to form a new society should it become inefficient or ineffective, better known as forking.  Forking is critical at it’s core because any restriction on competition can become non-cooperative and form a basis for non-cooperation.  This allows for the orderly, rapid abandonment of a hierarchy should a psychopath obtain a prominent position within it.  Please see my paper on type one civilization for more details on the importance of avoiding rigid hierarchies.

At first Open Source was best known for it’s original success Linux.  Creating a computer science reference model for well understood problems, many if not most uses of computers can happen efficiently and effectively when running Linux.  Initially support for Linux, the GPL and open source was largely practical.  Solving the scaling problems of computer code originated and owned by historically large computer software corporations.

While not nearly as popular as Linux, RepRap has an order of magnitude more potential impact.  It is an open source 3d printer technology, laying lines of plastic extruded at a high temperature on a 2 dimensional descending platform.  The plastic components of the machine, the computer aided design, and the resulting plan files for actual objects are all open source and highly resistant to corruption and forking.  In addition to the scope of objects and devices that can be devised of plastic, scrap material recycling equipment, circuit boards, and other types of material like metal printing are all in various stages of planning and production.

Cryptocurrencies, specifically the reference model Bitcoin is opensource’s most important creation to date.  It enforces honesty and the retention of purchasing power of unspent currency.  While transactions are anonymous by default (with some careful planning) it uses a peer to peer system to distribute a ledger of all transactions ever performed to every Bitcoin wallet, commonly known as the block chain.  Despite some misconceptions, wallets can be traced back to people with a reasonable amount of ease, should a legal response be warranted.  New coins or ‘very hard to guess’ numbers are awarded to ‘miners’ who on average exert the most computational work to obtain them.  Unlike all currencies and equities today, new Bitcoins are allowed to be found by any miner by consensus, not issued to ‘special’ parties by decree or fiat.  All transactions are performed independently of any central authorities, forcing security services like banks to compete strictly on the quality of their service and price efficiency.

The broader open source communities dual will and action to avoid hierarchy has paid off.  Wildly successful without the usual hierarchical graft despite not having direct corollary of financial reward to cooperative effort contributed.  Economy of scale, uncorrupted, is humanities civilizing force.  It seems as if the scale of humans has been reached where the benefits of cooperation exceed the wealth extracting hard power of master/slave hierarchies.  Vast concentration of wealth and power is not necessary to promote economic growth, just the peer to peer information sharing power of the Internet, and the tools to use it when we personally need it.

Endorsing a proposed bill, equity in law


We trust our politicians to be fair and honest, otherwise why would we elect them?  But that doesn’t mean we have to trust all the OTHER peoples politicians.  They never seem to be rooted in reality, right?

Even if their attitudes are aloof, no moral reason that they should be immune to the consequences of the laws that result from their actions.  They are not our masters, but instead our society is theirs.  This is a simple amendment that explicitly states in the highest law of the land, that politicians must use and are subject to the laws they pass, and can not give themselves special favors.

What a great place to start.  Sign up today.  The distribution party supports this measure!  This definitely falls under ‘but don’t try to make me pay for it!’

Type one civilization paper complete


Major additions to the type one civilization paper. Added a comprehensive section on how to reform national governments to reduce corruption. Please reread and share.

Here is an excerpt.

I would suggest a new political party would be needed. The distribution party, or the distributors of law. Endorsing capitalist republics, but ones with minimal powers under constant scrutiny and subject to regular legal distribution. Fiscally conservative but socially liberal. Dedicated to rewriting laws and their allocated funding to the smallest locales possible.

Please comment, share, like and discuss.