Category Archives: conspiracy theory

Subconcious speed reading


Darwninan evolution leaves little room for debate. Genetic accidents come to dominate because of advantage.  Including people. Even the very empathy that makes you recoil from the potential horrors of the implications above.

Civgene indicates that the subconscious mind (specifically the conscience) is a risk manager.  Why?  With comparative intelligence, new risks are assessed more quickly by humans with a conscience than humans without (psychopaths).

The risk formula is programmed both by other people like our guardians, and by our own experience.  As our memories are recalled, a secondary map of emotions produces a new, involuntary, composite emotional state.  Sometimes the subsequent compound emotion is fear of a yet seen danger the rational mind could not deduct as quickly, hence the advantage.  Mandatory emotional recall is fast, as demonstrated by the laggard rationalization that follows it.  This is true only if the data is natural (self acquired or at least sincerely emparted) and good mental hygiene is practised.

Just like a caring parent can program a human child with well intentioned warnings, so can a group be controlled.  The ability for one human to program a society with a common identity is known as propaganda.  Grandfathered by Edward Bernays.  Fathered by Joseph Gobbels, mass programming of identities is a potential genocidal machine.  Turning peoples own conscience against them.  Rational minds enslaved to fabricated emotional risk warnings.

The civilized mind
Propaganda is a fabricated, subconscious, communication directed at societies, but it’s carriers originate naturally.  This is visible as secondary communication cues.  Intonation, secondary noises, linguistic lexicon shifts, lighting, temperature, smells, sounds, etc.  Any subtle cue that can be rationally remembered can have a compound emotion attached to it.  People are continuously programming each other.  Human civilization is a vast, distributed, subconscious risk, supercomputer.  Mainly throttled by the bandwidth of human interaction and attacks on it’s networks.

Karl Marx noticed this but did not understand what he is seeing.  In general I have found his observations to be outstanding, while his conclusions wither as a function of time.  Why did he get causality wrong?  No failing of his own.  He like his contemporaries simply did not understand that humanity was two distinct, separate behavioural sets.  They were simply unaware of psychopaths.

History repeated
His observations about late civilization stratification were correct.  The modern bourgeoisie have re-emerged in America and the western world.  In it’s natural form, the bourgeoisie as a class, emerges because of commonality in culture, specifically in subconscious ques.  As the psychopath population grows, the society increasingly devalues cooperation and rewards strict competition.  The bourgeoisie read the same books, attend the same operas, and go to the same parties.  The feedback loop tightens as quantifiable knowledge consumption accelerates.  The programming becomes less and less noticed, less frequently rationalized and ultimately goes completely unexamined.  Simply put the rational mind can’t keep up with the subconscious programming, and so it goes unchallenged.  The people who operate society, the bourgeoisie, eventually become completely psychopathic.

Now, in 2017 propaganda is more science than art.  Massive databases of up to the minute word associations betray our subconscious communication and the current state of shared risk.  Further the Internet has greatly increased the bandwidth for subconscious communication.  Sharing (comparatively) professionally produced videos as fast they can be consumed.  Entire libraries distributed in minutes.  Immersive video games increase the bandwidth even beyond what a carefully scripted stream of videos can aspire to.  Together they form a wall of customized emotionally calculated programming a physically present team couldn’t match.

Today the technical and financial elite are consuming same material. Racing to the treetop to be top ape in true psychopathic fashion.  Their subconscious always silently consuming faster than rational memory components.  Their rational minds can’t keep up.  Their subconscious is polluted with ease as big data guides big media.  The economic collapse, the human disaster, it’s happening again.  But this time it’s measured in days instead of decades.

But there is hope. The art, the music, the stories, the pop cultures of the past can save some of us.  If you are sceptical enough to seek and use them, and ultimately profit.

The more bandwidth your media has, the more quickly your subconscious can be damaged.  Reading is the lowest bandwidth way to express complex information, so is the least dangerous.  It is difficult for subconcious programming to outrun the critical, rational mind with a newpaper article alone.  Listening is worse.  A podcast or radio program are more likely to reprogram you.  Video has many dimensions by which to perform the card tricks of propaganda.   Your rational mind following one path and your subconscious another.   And of course games both with their interactive 3d and reactive feedback could be weaponized at a level not yet imagined.

Slow the information down and test yourself.  Our metaminds are a database.  Care for it.

  1. Need to read something questionable?  Play loud familiar music while reading a suspect source to interrupt emotional data creation.  DOS your own emotional recall system.
  2. Do you think your emotions may have been contaminated?  Take time to meditate and focus on clearing them.  LIFO pop the stack.
  3. Noticed your feelings changed after consuming strange media?  Inventory the issues that are important to you and see if your feelings have inexplicably changed on them.  If you can’t understand the change erase it with self repetition.  Make sure to sleep on it before accepting the change.  Checksum data.  Erase corruption.  Perform a database integrity check.
  4. Exposed to something you don’t trust?  Follow questionable sources with next class up of familiar and trusted media.  Listened to a untrustworthy news story?   Then watch a favourite movie. Nightly news known to be disreputable? Don’t watch it.  But if you must, play a trusted favourite 3d video game to test and reset your own mind.  Ride a mental bicycle over your mind’s roads to see if they have been damaged or changed.  Perform a system wide antivirus scan on your metamind, as soon as you can.
  5. Want to consume something from a serial offender?  Wait.  Simply wait a few months to a few years and then consume it.  Wait until it is out of fashion.  Subconscious reprogramming is highly context sensitive.   Sure you’ll miss the water cooler talk but the older messages will be much more like noise to your subconscious.  Like running a new operating system, released after a virus (subconscious programming) is public knowledge and it’s exploits repaired or blocked.

Beat the propaganda.  The key is to slow down the face melting pace of rational learning and examine your feelings.  Remember more bandwidth means more damage.  No matter how smart you are, your conscience(if you have one) still absorbs propaganda faster than your rational mind can counter it.  Take some time to let what you consume sink in.  No matter the topic.

Reading has some risk. Listening is worse.  Watching still worse.  Games have the highest subconscious programmatic rate.  Take the time after consuming public media to practice good mental hygiene.

Reject the bourgeoisie and protect civilization.  Put your own mental hygiene ahead of accelerating competition.  The lasting standards are open source anyway, inherently an exercise in cooperation.  The currency of reputation is almost always worth more than short term victories.  Forget top branch, it’s a big forest.  It’s your mind.  Don’t loose control.

Note: For the record this page’s (probably rather confusing) computer analogies were white on white and were not meant to be subliminal, but instead hidden unless sought.  Alert me if the words subtly appear in your browser/copy.  TIA.

Edit: Added a fifth trick for keeping your subconscious clean and belonging to you.

Is conspiracy theory useful?


What is conspiracy theory?  It is a theory about two or more people conspiring against at least a third.  There have been have many proven theories throughout history.  The evidence that people do sometimes conspire against each other is so enormous, it indicates that people who disparage it have had a fully alien set of life experiences, or more likely, are attempting to distort a basic truth.  That conspiracy theories can be correct and lower personal risk if acted upon.  As a simple thought experiment, team sports are inherently conspiratorial.  Every competitive game played coherently by more than three players with any strategy or tactics whatsoever has been to some degree conspiratorial.

If it is clearly useful even to the simplest decision making, where does disdain for it come from?  Conspiracy theory is feared because excessive theory creation is a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.  Where the person suffering from it, will attach a malicious intent to most and sometimes even all actions of others.  This level of mistrust makes it impossible to participate in the inherent trusts of society (like freedom or friendship.)  Since the metamind’s alerts are so over-active, the rational mind never develops properly.  Trapped in desperate race to rationalize a flood of emotional warnings.  The worst cases of paranoid schizophrenia are a form of insanity, and may end in injuries and deaths.    Fears of an extreme paranoid, while often casually or even satirically misdiagnosed, are justified when one does actually occur.

Schizophrenia, the over-active conscience.

So what is Schizophrenia?  Like most disease it is a spectrum.  The metamind (the conscience) as a risk engine makes this easier to understand.  If the metamind is too active, it’s owner struggles.  Preparing against enemies with no purchase or little impact.  Suffering from various levels of paranoia.  In the most extreme case preparing against enemies that don’t exist.

What advantage in natural selection does a spectrum have?  Civgene helps put this in perspective.  Psychopaths pre-date non psychopath humans.  The number of psychopaths and their subsequent influence on societies barbarism, is highly variable.  Their population grows until they collapse a society and it’s economy.  A highly active metamind is paranoid in times of few psychopaths, and highly useful at psychopath saturation.  An individual with mild schizophrenia (a more active metamind), has natural resistance to psychopathy in others.


Since the utility of conspiracy theory is subject to an external factor, the reverse is true as well.  A person with a least active conscience lands at the other end of spectrum.  The mental risk manger is less active than it needs to be or in the worst case entirely absent.  It fails to warn the rational mind about clear and present dangers.  The level of warning that would be a good fit in a society with few psychopaths, fails to detect conspiracies in a the corrupt one.

Why is abphrenia a disorder at all?   Trust can be a positive attribute in a trustworthy environment, but puts us at risk of protopsychopathy outside of one.  Emotional manipulation can reprogram the conscience that doesn’t protect itself.  Marketing, propaganda, and gaslighting are just a few common ways this can happen.  An underactive metamind puts it’s owner at risk of membership in cult, be it political or religious.


Once someone is a protopsychopath, their conscience is owned and controlled by a person or organization of people outside themself.  So long as this control remains, they can be made to act perpetually against their own self interest.  In this light it is easy to see how a mildly paranoid metamind is a genetic advantage.  Conspiracy theories, in moderation or mild excess, protect you from emotional control.  Avoiding this situation entirely.

While paranoid schizophrenics are obvious, clashing with reality with strange views and actions, abphreniacs are usually passive and subtle.  How do you detect their condition?  If they have been captured as protopsychopaths, which is likely in corrupted society, it should be fairly easy.  Protopsychoapthy captures the entire metamind.  Not only ensnaring the risk manager and reprogramming it with false risks, but capturing the imagination as well.  Lack of ability to cite personal (unpopular) conspiracy theories, or the ability to contrive one on demand, indicates their subconscious is not their own.  If they can not it is likely that a psychopath or cult lurks in their past or present, controlling their ideas of risk.

Repair and progress

Not only can conspiracy theories be constructive, but their complete absence indicates emotional mind control.  The good news is that the metamind is to varying strengths anti-fragile.  When exposed to new emotional data, all but the strongest cases of protopsychopathy will fade or collapse.  The protopsychopath’s subconscious mind is not a two way radio.  If you are fighting a protopsychoapths programming head on, you are fighting a ghost.  Their program, if clever enough, was told in advance to look out for all new sources of information as defectors.  They will attack the people that try to help them most.  Rather than confront a protopsychopath directly, introduce them to information sources you trust.  Use inverse gaslighting techniques not to program them but to break their spell.  Subtly introducing small doses of truth and letting their subconscious fold them into their entire calculation.  A matchbook from an old neighborhood.  An open window on a holiday.  A memory of a success.  A night on the town with family.  Well timed humor.  A kind word.  A ‘forgotten’ magazine turned to the right page.  Any kindness in view.  Subtle repetition.

One day, with luck, the scales will be tipped, and their metamind will once again be open to new ideas, outside of others control.  If their abphrenia is not too severe, their freedom will be permanent.


Secrecy becomes regressive



Why do hierarchies embrace secrecy?  To lower the risk to hierarchy, both real and imagined.  The problem is there is no way for the citizens of the hierarchy to discern between the real and imagined risk with the secrecy blocking reasonable analysis of the distortion of identity, justice, and some or all of the facts.  This is a direct result of amoral agents being imperceptibly embedded among moral ones.  The result for the hierarchy is even greater graft and corruption.

Unfortunately secrecy is also necessary.  Those same amoral agents will always seize perceived (sometimes real) golden opportunities and they will always, with time, occur with complete transparency.  Since making mistakes is necessary to both emotional development of empaths and to social cohesion, the same things that make moral people grow, present amoral ones with opportunities to accumulate and grab power.

Emapths who push for a more compassionate society or civilization often run into a wall.  A wall of skepticism of erected by those who recognize that some people are amoral as described above.  They recognize part of the equation.  That some people are not reasonable and see power as an end to itself.  They don’t know how to accommodate required mistakes without adding vulnerability.

It is a human right to fork.  This is where some basic human rights (like freedom of religion) derive from.  Forking should happen early and often.  Forking solves the issue of opportunistic taking of power derived from hopefully minimal but required mistakes, by assigning the secret to the most interested moral party.

This is the rational basis for organizational forking, or at a governmental scale legal distribution.  Since power can be leveraged and projected, this also suggests a mechanism for successful legal distribution.  A petition to fork a legal authority (a law) should be completely democratic (direct citizen voting) with no secret components.

For the ultimate authority the person or persons proposing the vote only need to demonstrate interest beyond denial of government services.  For example it might be required present a petition of one tenth of one percent of the voting population to set the proposed distribution to ballot.   A simple majority vote of ‘no confidence’ in the larger bodies ability to manage their secrets without corruption should immediately distribute the challenged law and it’s apportioned funds to the lower jurisdictions.

In the case of a non legally binding entity, no formality is required whatsoever.  Simply a decision by anyone that trust is not possible at the current scale.  That a hierarchy with a smaller scope and fewer more accessible leaders is needed.

If a distribution or fork is initiated by an amoral or incompetent agent, it can be forked (or distributed) again until corruption and waste is brought under coherent control.  Success in preserving identity, justice and ready access to accurate facts will be modeled by lateral organizations or governments through competitive pressures.  The feasible scope has been found.

Since to err is not only a common attribute of moral human society, but a prerequisite, it is a basic human right to distribute laws by majority in the face of corruption.  Denial of that right is denial of freedom itself.  Freedom is a fundamental attribute of the conscience.  Denying this right is a psychopathic behavior.

Edit 4/7/15 10:50 EST:  Sorry for all the changes. (title, image, some structure) This was a sudden inspiration last night that exhausted me before editing was complete.  Please reread it at your convenience.

2013 study: Entertaining conspiracy theory indicates emotional blance


A month ago I wrote that conspiracy theories, assuming you treat them as theories until proven otherwise, are an excellent exercise for the health of your conscience.  It turns out that those who believe (misused word IMO) in conspiracy theories, are more emotionally balanced in general, and less prone to rage and outburst.  A typical psychopathic symptom.

This matches my ideas about the prevalence of psychopathic society and the personal effects of subscribing to it.  Particularly individuals becoming  proto-psychopaths and nullifying the use and influence of the conscience as directed by external reprogramming of emotional metadata.

The article that originally sources this study, also cites a new book.  The quote is as such.  “The CIA’s campaign to popularize the term ‘conspiracy theory’ and make conspiracy belief a target of ridicule and hostility must be credited, unfortunately, with being one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time”

I would love to know if this is just a plausible theory or substantiated.  We have mentioned previous proven CIA psyops here.  It would be interesting to see if the CIA would continue this practice, discouraging conspiracy theory that is, if it was common knowlage that the result was likely proto-psychopathy and diminished role of the conscience.  The only two societies furnished by history as successful with large numbers of psychopaths in the population are the time share aka: the cooperative model of conscionable behavior or outright slavery.  Not to say proto-psychopaths are identical to genetic psychopaths, but the behavior is close enough that the genetically supported models are a plausible expectation of widespread proto-psychopathy.  In addition it seems unlikely that large percentages of proto-psychopaths would make it any easier to catch sociopath stage psychopaths.

Another book for the stack.  🙂

Conspiracy theory

  It’s healthy to partake in conspiracy theory, provided you don’t believe it until sufficient facts back it up.
  • You could gain a new understanding of the world.
  • You can better understand people who believe the conspiracy theory.
  • Conspiracy theory is a variation of the hunch.  Hunches are at the core of all good police and intelligence work.
  • A well thought out conspiracy theory is a variation of faith.  Faith is the moral underpinning of rational society.
  • A conspiracy theory can be an excellent exercise in civics.  Understanding the morality and impact of different actions on society.  Include overt ones.
  • Most importantly you emotionally condition yourself not to over react if the conspiracy theory or a similar one actually turn out to be true. 9/11 is a perfect example of this.  Remember if people can make you have an emotional reaction more intense than you expected, they can manipulate you.
Therefore it’s nearly a certainty that people who mock casual discussion of conspiracy theories are are up to no good.  Very likely they are in the emotional manipulation business.