Category Archives: study

Civgene can provide objective morality



Video explaining how you can derive objective morality from civgene.

You can use behaviours unique to empaths to derive objective morality from science itself.  Non-psychopathic behaviours are like atoms which in turn can be used to build rights, much like molecules.

More to come.

Edit 3/25:  Updated video.  Clearer and more concise edits with clips.

RAD confirms civgene amnesia prototyping


RAD or Reactive Attachment Disorder fits the civgene Amnesia Prototyping model perfectly.

“defined as a condition where an individual has difficulty forming lasting relationships and lacks the ability to be genuinely affectionate toward others.  In addition, persons with RAD do not learn to trust others and do not appear to develop a conscience.”

What creates the conditions for RAD?

“This is believed to be caused by abuse or separation (physical or emotional) from one’s primary caregiver during the first three years of life”

The metamind model explains what is happening.  The non-psychopath’s brain is in a different mode at this age.  Instead of forming memories the metamind is forming types of memories or prototypes.  If a child is forced into risk assessment for survival (severe abuse) or has no emotional input whatsoever (Daniel Solomon ignored in an orphanage), prototypes are never created, and the metamind (the conscience/subconscious) can’t compare unlike things.  The metamind is a risk engine fed by emotional metadata.  With no data to output, no risk is modeled, and no conscience is displayed.

Of course the solution has already been found.  Attachment therapy.  What’s new is Civgene’s contribution to why it works.  A sufficient number of prototypes need to be formed so emotional structures can be attached to all memories, realizing the full biological EQ (and ultimately IQ) and forming a complete metamind.  The therapy works because such an extreme trust is formed (in the absence of risk) that during the therapy.  Hopefully in stretches of time that are long as possible. The key is no real consequences for the subjects actions, hence the conscience sends no risk signals.  In that environment the metamind may change modes to prototyping.  In that case it can write new emotional memories as prototypes doing the work that couldn’t occur at a young age.  Writing the prototypes that would have naturally formed in between 2 and 8 years old.

The bad news here is, there has been much false hope for curing actual psychopaths.  RAD victims may act like young psychopaths, but are not, nor ever will be psychopaths.  They are reverting to the pre-civilization gene jealousy conscience (acting like a psychopath.)  They have a metamind, but it never fully formed do to a lack of nurturing programming from guardians.

RAD untreated is a preventable, predictable, possibly lifelong, perpetuation of the first state of the metamind for humans born with one.  The states are undeveloped(including RAD), suppressed(transitory), metapsychopathy, and protopsychopathy.


Economic collapse can create unborn schizophrenia


“Likewise, adults that were prenatally exposed to famine conditions have also been reported to have significantly higher incidence of schizophrenia.”

Looks like support for another civgene theory. That schizophrenia is genetic resistance to manipulation by psychopaths. In this case epigeneticly triggered by starvation of an unborn’s mother.  Starvation, has a strong likelyhood it’s been caused by a collapsing economy.  Civgene predicts economic collapses are because the percentage of psychopaths in the economy has grown too large.

citations from link.

  1. St Clair D., Xu M., Wang P., Yu Y., Fang Y., Zhang F., Zheng X., Gu N., Feng G., Sham P., and He L. Rates of Adult  Schizophrenia Following Prenatal Exposure to the Chinese Famine of 1959-1961.JAMA 294(5):557-562 (2005).
  2. van Os J, Selten JP. Prenatal exposure to maternal stress and subsequent schizophrenia. The May 1940 invasion of The Netherlands. Br J Psychiatry 172:324-6 (1998).

Interesting implications for supernatural faiths with fasting rituals. Are they systemically creating more schizophrenics?  How about dieting?  Is it statistically significant?

Civgene: Why multitasking lowers IQ/EQ


Interesting brain study.

This seemed tangential to civgene until i read this part.

“Talentsmart has tested more than a million people and found that 90% of top performers have high EQs. If multitasking does indeed damage the anterior cingulate cortex (a key brain region for EQ) as current research suggests, doing so will lower your EQ while it alienates your coworkers.”

There is a simple explanation for this in the metamind model of the conscience/subconcious.  Rationalization, the process of logically assessing our subconscious emotional risk signals, is interrupted, or worse conflated with other signals (the core tool of propaganda and gaslighting).  Many people (rightly) feel uncomfortable following un-rationalized intuition, so they ignore it.  Becoming no better than a psychopath at assessing the immediate and current risks.

Further if lower effective intelligence results from frequent interruptions this strongly supports the idea that human intelligence is more than just a strong memory and fast logic processing.  Very specifically it indicates that some part of subconscious thought management process(civgene says the metamind) is not only part of intelligence, but makes sense if it has it’s OWN memory structure(civgene indicates this is emotional metadata).

The metamind model could have predicted the outcome of this study.  It explains it succinctly.  Always a good sign.

Prediction:  If this study is replicated and the metamind is accepted as the explanation, then some time in topical psychotherapy (talk therapy) should be able to restore previously tested IQ and EQ scores.  The damage isn’t permanent.

Does misdiagnosis of psychopathy increase psychopathic behavior?



Found an interesting question in the civgene comments from Julia, part of a junior scholars program.

If psychopathy is blamed on the brain, people may feel less morally responsible for their own psychopathic tendencies and therefore may be more likely to display those tendencies. We will also assess public recognition of these potential negative consequences of neuroscience communication.

Very interesting premise.  Before you dig too deep you should look at ‘century of the self’  A BBC special.  It points out that the only people who’s behavior are reliably predictive by game theory are economists (Aware of the studies conditions) and psychopaths.  Also consider Hare and many others work that there is NO behavioral technique alone that makes actual psychopaths better.

I’d say that your study has merit only if people falsely believe they are psychopath, when they are in fact not one.  An actual psychopath will remain the same.   So first you’ll need to know if your subject is a psychopath, or be prepared for a wider range of error.   Also please read the warning at the end before you proceed.

As part of the premise of civgene I think all people have the entire psychopath behavioral set available to them, but the conscience is not voluntary so must be malformed, underdeveloped, manipulated or otherwise stymied for psychopathic behavior to increase it’s share of realized behavior.

Shunning is the healthy reaction to known psychopaths and it simulates conscience for the psychopath externally.  If your subjects (false psychopaths) are tested under conditions of shunning and only shunning, they should not react with increased psychopathic behavior.  In fact they may become far more humble and introspective.

If you charge your subjects up with emotional energy, it may dampen or otherwise drown out the messages from the conscience, and yes psychopathic behavior will increase.  Like an overstimulated young child.

Please keep in mind there are special risks with narcissist stage psychopaths, should the actual psychopaths not be successfully screened out.   I think that psychopaths progress though logical stages with similar attributes to id, ego and superego.  A narcissist (the first stage) may react to being called a psychopath with violence against what they see as a misbehaving projection.  This is known as narcissist rage.  If you can’t be certain you have screened out all psychopaths from the subject pool, security will be necessary.

Thanks to Julia I am interested in how it turns out.  Please stay in touch.

CRISPR changes everything


Some mental illness may no longer need to be diagnosed through social tests.    While the United States busys itself with corporate protectionist legislation like the TPP to protect the major drug companies, some of the world is experimenting with the new precise, cheap and repeatable gene editing method known as CRISPR.

In the past gene editing was hit or miss.  Practiced more like chemistry, it was more like a million misses to a marginal hit.  Identifying a gene was not enough, splicing it became a major endeavor for companies like Monsanto.   Experiments on human DNA (except perhaps if you count our GMO diet) was effectively impossible.

As of 2015, the CRISPR technique, takes a precise strand of DNA and inserts it, reliably, in a larger DNA strand, precisely where it is told to insert it.   This is the holy grail of both nano scale assembly, and made to order DNA.  The mind reels.  Designer babies are eminent.  Greatly reduced aging is possible.  DNA based nanites can built to both manufacture on the table top and enhance human attributes.

These are in the future (AFAIK), but before all that, apparently we have already begun to use it verify genetic disease.  The technology is not even a year old and Chinese scientists have already implanted a suspected autism gene in monkeys, to see if their behavior varies.  It does.

The implications are huge for all illness from athletes foot to cancer, but it’s important that the first study is on behavioral disease.  If the civilization gene is correct and psychopathy is genetic, we could be close to a completely different world.  There are no suspect genes (other than the debunked warrior gene) at the moment, but it is possible to find, were the right people to take interest.  Now, a new way to verify that first study is readily available.

Conversely should some mental illnesses become officially understood to be genetic, psychopaths should  be easier to diagnose.  Psychopaths are the highest functioning mental illness.  ASPD stage psychopaths are well known for feigning other mental illnesses to evade detection.  A narrower field of patients through genetic screening for other disease means less misdiagnosis, and more understanding of the social consequences of widespread psychopathy.  That ultimately means real targeted help for the psychopaths.

Science behind civgene: The puzzle box


Responding to some rather silly accusations that I just made civgene up.   This was always intended as a destination in hard science, at the least.   First the septic may want to look at the paper on falsification.   And then go on to answer why civgene is not just ‘the pack gene’ plus intelligence.

Now for a behavior feather in the cap of civgene. Imagination vs visualization.  You many want to see some earlier psychopath/animal vs empath comparisons here.

Humans know humans can be trusted.  Humans know visible appearance (the primary sense) can differ from attributes. The foundation of imagination.


Direct to movie.

Autoplay is off on the movie below. Usually you click or tap and try space bar. It’s a little over 3 minutes long.

The key here is the failure of the primates to recognize either that a human pointing was an attempt to assist or that the identically sized boxes are actually different weights.

Now for one of the original foundations of civgene.  The puzzle box experiment.  Please fast forward to 41:30.  I have not preset the video to that for you because the whole thing is worth watching, but the last 20 minutes are key. If it’s taken down it’s a Nova called ‘Ape Genius’ if it’s ever taken down.

There are three testable differences that separate humans from apes.
1. Apes have vastly superior visual memories.
2. Humans quickly reconcile that an object may not be as it visually appears.
3. Apes won’t suspend their own observations when taught by demonstration.

Evolution favors imagination over imitation.